Last July I went to Sahabat Anak Annual Event, Jambore Sahabat Anak, a 2 days event where street kids and volunteer spend 2 days and 1 night in a camp. The event was held in Bumi Perkemahan Ragunan, Jakarta. The 1st day events were workshop, cooking competition, and group performance. Day 2 events were games and story telling.
In this event, I met volunteer from various background, from artist, entrepreneur, even taxi driver. I also met several foreign people who joined this event.
I always happy to meet new people and gain new experience, but JSA was different, not only I feel happy, but it also such a fulfilling experience.
On the first day, when I was helping the instructor in giving her material in health and nutrition, one of the kid (whom I met on the HSA event) called me and said "Hi, we meet again!" I could not believe that they could remember me, when the last time we met was months ago.
I also witnessed how happy these kids were, and how contagious their happiness was. Not only the kids, I also witnessed how sincere their companion was. I was lucky to met those kids and all of the volunteers who joined this event.
This little girl happily lead her team member performed their group cheers. Their happiness was contagious, I just could not stand still and end up jumped around along with the kids. (Could you spot me just behind the leader?). -Photo taken from @samanggarai instagram- |
The kids also enjoyed decorating their tents so much. Some of them are talented, they drew well and had creative ideas. At first the committee and the volunteer felt worried because the sky looked cloudy like the rain would come. But the sky seemed understand and the rain did not come at all. While decorating tents the kids learn teamwork not only with their friends but also with the volunteer, they also learned to share and work on their ideas.
Kids and volunteer helped each other while decorating Sup Konro Tent |
While supervising tent decorating, there was a kid who loss her tooth, she panicked and one of the volunteer from Canada told her that she should put her tooth under her pillow, then the tooth fairy will replaced it with a candy. I told the Canadian that she will get nothing for putting her tooth under her pillow, because there is no tooth fairy here in Indonesia, I then tell him that we usually throw away our loss teeth to the roof if we lose the bottom teeth, and throw it to the ground if we lose the upper teeth. The Canadian seemed worried and said "Well, I did not know there is no tooth fairy here."
The kid then asked me "Should I put my tooth under my pillow? or should I throw it to the roof? Will my tooth gone forever?" I replied "Don't worry, your tooth will grow again, just at the same place where you lose your tooth today." The kid then relieved and kept her tooth to be put under her pillow when she went home. I said "You may not get candy", she said "But I just wanna try". I cannot said anything beside "Okay"
On the second day, the kids enjoyed the games so much, they even asked me "Could I just play again? I enjoy it so much" (Thanks to S, who created this fun game!).
The story telling was as much fun, the story teller could imitate lot of voices from kids to animals, I can tell it from the kids face that they enjoy the story telling so much.
The story telling session reminds me when I joined a community development program years ago. I went to all of the ECD (PAUD) facilities around the village to story tell about health and nutrition, I told story with handmade puppet made from paper and I was told that the kids kept asking their teacher everyday when will I ever come back. I wish I had more time kids!
The kids enjoyed the story telling so much |
The event was closed with winner announcement, And congratulation to Papeda team for winning the Best Tent!
Two days of JSA has ended, time to say goodbye. Thanks to all the great people (all kakak-kakak and adik-adik) and to M who trapped me in joining HSA and JSA. See you (again)!