Sunday, August 3, 2014

Pengalaman Mengurus Visa UK

Saya ingin berbagi pengalaman saya mengurus visa UK, yang kata orang-orang ribet bin jelimet.

Mengurus visa UK sebenarnya tidak susah, tapi harus sabar karena banyaknya poin2 pertanyaan yang harus diisi di form online.

O iya mengurus visa UK di Indonesia hanya bisa dilakukan secara online melalui laman
Selanjutnya tinggal mengisi form onlinenya. Adapun garis besar informasi yang perlu diisi adalah:
- Info mengenai paspor dan perjalanan yang akan dilakukan nantinya
- Info personal dan sejarah perjalanan ke negara lain selama 10 tahun terakhir
- Info mengenai keluarga (status pernikahan, dll)
- Info mengenai pekerjaan dan penghasilan
- Info mengenai teman dan keluarga yang tinggal di UK
- Medical treatment, jika berencana berobat di UK

Jika sudah selesai mengisi form, langkah selanjutnya adalah konfirmasi aplikasi kemudian sign declaration. Tapi pastikan jika semua data yang kita isi sudah benar semua, karena jika sudah klik confirm dan sign declaration, maka informasi tidak bisa kita edit lagi.
Pengalaman saya yang kemarin, kebetulan ada kesalahan penulisan kota penerbitan paspor di form aplikasi, nah saya cukup mencoret yang salah, menuliskan yang benar dan tanda tangan. Tapi, akan lebih baik jika tidak ada kesalahan :)

Langkah selanjutnya adalah booking appointment, dan pembayaran online.

Appointment tidak dilakukan di kedutaan melainkan melalui agen vfs. Agen ini selain menangani visa UK juga menangani visa Australia dan New Zealand. Saat appointment kita hanya menyerahkan formulir yang sudah diberi foto dan tanda tangan, beserta kelengkapan dokumen pendukung aplikasi seperti paspor, surat keterangan kerja, kartu keluarga, bank statement 6 bulan terakhir, booking hotel dan pesawat.
Di website visa4uk disarankan untuk tidak membeli tiket pesawat atau hotel dulu, disarankan booking saja dulu.

Lalu berapa lama visa kita keluar setelah penyerah berkas di vfs? Sewaktu saya daftar, petugas vfs mengatakan bahwa saya baru bisa mendapatkan visa sekitar 3 minggu. Waktu yang cukup lama karena paspor saya harus jalan-jalan dulu ke bangkok untuk assessment dan jika lolos maka akan di tempel stiker visa dan distempel disana, baru setelah itu paspor saya diterbangkan lagi ke Jakarta.

Benar saja kata petugas vfs itu, saya mendapatkan notifikasi via email 3 minggu setelah penyerahan berkas di vfs. Notifikasi itu mengatakan bahwa visa saya sudah selesai diproses dan dikirim dari Bangkok. Tidak dikatakan bahwa saya mendapat visa atau belum.

Karena kebetulan saya sedang berada dekat lokasi vfs di Kuningan City Mall, maka saya langsung ke sana untuk mencari tahu apakah dokumen saya sudah dapat diambil. Ternyata dokumen saya belum ada, petugasnya meminta saya datang kembali 2 hari kemudian. Dan 2 hari kemudian saya datang, dokumen saya sudah ada, agak deg-degan saya membuka paspor dan wah..ada stiker visa UK tertempel di paspor saya :D

O iya, dalam proses aplikasi visa UK ada juga tahap wawancara, tapi hanya jika assessor visa kita merasa perlu mewawancara kita.

Pada akhirnya, meskipun mengurus visa UK agak ribet, tapi keribetan itu akan segera terbayar begitu kaki kita menginjak negerinya Ratu Elizabeth itu.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

No Testing, No Touching, No Choosing

Please do not touch me!

When I went to Singapore in 2012, I'm not in good condition so its hard for me to find something that I able to eat. Most halal food in Singapore are Malayan, Arabian Food, and something spicy. So I have no choice than eating fruits. 

Well, there is a big traditional market at Bugis Street where many trader sells kinds of fruit. At the first, I feel confused because there is a sign "No Testing, No Touching, No Choosing." Then, when I saw the person besides me test the fruits! I ask the trader, "Can I try the fruits?I want to make sure if it is sweet and juicy." The trader said "You should pay for every fruits you eat. And our fruits are as sweet as sugar, just see the sign." I look at the sign he pointed, and yes its written very sweet, as sweet as sugar, and many sentences claimed the sweetness of the fruits.

Because, usually in Indonesia people able to try to choose, and of course to touch fruits even if at the end they didn't buy any. Then, when I can not try or choose or touch, I'm not sure about the taste (the price also a bit expensive than in Indonesia he he) so I only bought a little. 
Arrived at the hotel I feel hungry (actually I already feel hungry at the MRT, but passenger are not allowed to eat there, so I need to wait until arrived at the hotel), and I start eating one fruit and, two, three, and more.. and the trader is right. It is sweet, juicy and fresh!
The day after I went to the market again, and bought so many fruits. :D

Friday, March 7, 2014

Idina Menzel

If you watch Oscar 2014, or at least watch the news on tv or even social media, you should hear that John Travolta called Idina Menzel as Adele Dazeem. Omg!

Well, in such a big event like oscar, I think things like mispronounced shouldn't happen. But its happen.

Idina Menzel performing Let It Go

Anyway, since my name is uncommon, people often mispronounce my name. And if they pronounce my name correctly then they will write my name wrongly! 

I remember at the first time I got an office email address. As a fresh graduate I feel so glad that I have an email address that not a free domain (#sorrynorak). But, when the IT staff tell me that my email address is I feel bad. 

Whats wrong with my name? Is it that hard to write? To pronounce? 

Sometimes I also meet people who said "hey, I know you, the one with hard to pronounce name! What's your name?"

But I also meet people who said "Hi! You are Ezria right? Your name is pretty? What's your name mean?"

Then I answered "thanks :) Ezria means help"

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Welcoming new born baby!

Yesterday, I went to hospital to visit my besties and her new born pretty baby!
I always feel happy when I looking at babies-they are so cute- :*

hi my name is gines!

By the way, my friend, Dewi-the one with glassess, upload this photo and her friend ask "Is the baby's mother the one with bracket?" (Well, the baby's mother use bracket but she didn't take a pic with us, it means Dewi's friends think that i am -the only person who use bracket in that photo- the baby's mother!) OMG! "Am I look like a woman who just give birth to a baby?"

Monday, March 3, 2014

Shocking Pink vs Patchwork

Wow! its almost 2 years since my last post. Actually I write a lot of draft, but non are finished yet.
Starting my carrerr life really waste time and energy (mostly because I must travel about 60 km from my home to office everyday or120 km a day!) but I always feel happy!

Anyway last week I went to mall in Jakarta to by a new bicycle. But, before I arrive at the cycle store. I stop by at a sport shoes store, and fall in love with a shocking pink sneakers displayed there and  I paid for it without thinking :)

Anyway I love the colour combination of my new sneakers and this pretty patchwork floor.

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